[gambit-list] os_dyn

Michele Zaffalon michele.zaffalon at gmail.com
Thu Oct 8 13:11:00 EDT 2009

>> I don't understand: in
>> (c-define (helper-func x)
>>          (int) int "helper_func" ""
>>          (*f* x))
>> (define gsl-func
>>  (c-lambda (int) int "gsl_func"))
>> and helper_func is called by the gsl_func routine, *f* can be any
>> Scheme closure.
>> Then why can't the C interface accept
>> (define gsl-func2
>>  (c-lambda ( (function (int) int) int) int "gsl_func"))
>> and generate the correct helper-func with *f* replaced by whatever
>> function is passed to gsl-func2?
> The user is free to do that in his/her code (that is what the code at the
> above link does).  So I assume you mean "why doesn't the C interface do this
> automatically for the user?".
> Here are a few problems that come to mind:
> 1) This approach is not thread-safe.  If two threads concurrently call
> gsl-func2 with different closures, then they will clobber the value of *f*
> that the other thread is using.
> 2) Even if threads are not used, imagine the case where the C code is
> receiving the function and storing it away for later use in a table (for
> example the function is a callback attached to a particular event, say the
> mouse is moved, or a key is typed on the keyboard, etc).  With your approach
> there is a single *f* which is shared by all the callbacks you install.
>  Which means that they are not independent.  In fact, whichever callback is
> called, the most recently installed callback will be called (because that is
> what *f* will contain).
> In other words, the fundamental problem here is that all closures must be
> independent, so they cannot share state.  That's why the decision to use
> this approach must be in the hands of the user.  The system can't do this
> automatically.
> The two solutions I explained previously solve the sharing problem, with
> different caveats.
> Marc

Sorry, I didn't express myself clearly. What can I do: I am just a physicist...


(define gsl-func2
  (c-lambda ( (function (int) int) int) int "gsl_func"))

the first argument of gsl-func2 is a function f defined on the Scheme side.

The C interface now produces a C function helper_func that is passed
to gsl_func: this helper_func does nothing else that calling the
Scheme function f on the parameter, just in the same way *f* was used.

What I want to say in my broken way is: if it works with the global
*f*, which is not yet defined, why can't it work with f?
Or in other words, the Scheme f with signature (funtion (int) int) is
magically converted to the C function supplied gsl_func and this C
function returns f(x).

I think I have repeated the same concept a few times already :-)


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