[gambit-list] What's in your gambc.scm file?

Per Eckerdal per.eckerdal at gmail.com
Tue Oct 6 05:38:46 EDT 2009

> I found a nice way of implementing loading blackhole via the  
> extensions
> init file, and still having a seperate bsc/gsc command pair, by
> symbolically linking bsc -> gsc, and putting:
> (if (equal? (car (command-line)) "bsc")
>     (and (load "~~/lib/modules/build")
>          (display "loaded blackhole extensions...")
>          (newline))
>     #!void)
> In my /usr/local/Gambit-C/lib/gambcext file.

That's really neat! I would write it like this:

(and (equal? (car (command-line)) "bsc")
      (load "~~lib/modules/build")
      (let ()
        (##namespace ("module#"))
        (##include "~~lib/gambit#.scm")

        (println "Loaded Black Hole...")))

This leaves room for users to add custom load-time configuration, for  

(and (equal? (car (command-line)) "bsc")
      (load "~~lib/modules/build")
      (let ()
        (##namespace ("module#"))
        (##include "~~lib/gambit#.scm")

         (package-module-resolver "~/.blackhole"))

        (println "Loaded Black Hole...")))

What do you think?


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