[gambit-list] using #defined values

James Long longster at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 14:01:34 EST 2009

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Pavel Dudrenov <dudrenov at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think that James Long was working on some automatic ffi generating code.
> Maybe you can take a look at his code and see what he is doing and extract
> things relevant to you. Or just use what he has.

Yeah, I worked on it.  So did Jeremie and Christian, and a few others.
 I wrote "autoffi" which is just a prototype which tries to use SILex
to parse C code.  This code isn't maintained but hopefully still
works.  Pulling out definitions should be achievable.


Jeremie wrote a different program which I think used SWIG to parse C code.


Pulling out definitions is probably the easiest job for automatic FFI
generation.  Hopefully you can get something to work from either of
these projects.

- James

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