[gambit-list] passing an f64vector

Eduardo Cavazos wayo.cavazos at gmail.com
Sun Mar 22 13:21:28 EDT 2009


The type of the second parameter of gl function glGetDoublev is 
GLdouble*. So, I'd like to be able to pass an f64vector as that argument.

The declaration of glGetDoublev is:

     void glGetDoublev( GLenum pname, GLdouble *params )

So something along these lines I guess:

(define glGetDoublev
   (c-lambda (GLenum scheme-object)
             " glGetDoublev ( ___arg1 , UNPACKTHEVEC( ___arg2 ) ) ; "))

Except with the proper unpacking of ___arg2. Any suggestions as to what 
macro to use there? I'm looking through gambit.h...


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