[gambit-list] Loading object files...

Pavel Dudrenov dudrenov at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 14:07:28 EST 2009

I feel your pain, the same thing crossed my mind the other day myself.
In my case I list to load the files, which I then modified to not
include the object files, but it's a crappy solution.


On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 8:30 AM, David St-Hilaire
<sthilaid at iro.umontreal.ca> wrote:
> Hello all!
> I was wondering why the gambit interpreter complains about loading multiple
> times an object file (i.e. a compile .o1 file). It is pretty annoying not being
> able to reload a file that loads its required modules... :(
> What should I do instead? Load the requirements manually in the repl? This is
> not very convienient :( I could also just load the source file (load
> "module.scm") instead of the object file (load "module") but I would not benefit
> of compiled code perf...
> Thanks!
> David
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