[gambit-list] error running with emacs in windows xp

Oisín denpashogai at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 10:19:11 EDT 2009

This is a somewhat old thread, but I'm getting this same behaviour on
my Windows Vista box at work with Gambit 4.4.3 and 4.4.4 (it's never
happened on my OS X machine) - ^D starts a spammy infinite loop:

Gambit v4.4.4

> (go-into-a-weird-infinite-loop-because-this-symbol-is-unbound)
*** ERROR IN (stdin)@1.2 -- Unbound variable:
1> *** ERROR IN (stdin)@1.2 -- The pipe has been ended.
(peek-char '#<input-port #2 (stdin)>)
1> *** ERROR IN (stdin)@1.2 -- The pipe has been ended.
(peek-char '#<input-port #2 (stdin)>)
1> *** ERROR IN (stdin)@1.2 -- The pipe has been ended.
(peek-char '#<input-port #2 (stdin)>)

It spams the console in Emacs until I send a kill signal. As before,
debugger commands like ,t and ,d work fine though.

Do I have Emacs configured wrong (after all, I can be pretty dumb), or
is this a regression?


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