[gambit-list] Black Hole and Termite

Jeremie Lasalle Ratelle pouexmachinax at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 13:40:52 EDT 2009

I implemented vector pattern matching in termite some time ago. I'm
trying to port my code in the black hole version of termite but there is
a problem with vectors in macro code.

Here is an example

(define-syntax macro-test
   (lambda (form env)
     (pp form)

> (macro-test '(1 2 3))
(macro-test '(1 2 3))

> (macro-test #(1 2 3))
(macro-test #(#(#(source1) 1 (console) 917509) #(#(source1) 2 (console)
1048581) #(#(source1) 3 (console) 1179653)))
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