[gambit-list] define-type and define-record-type

Marc Feeley feeley at iro.umontreal.ca
Thu Feb 26 08:55:26 EST 2009

On 25-Feb-09, at 12:41 PM, Pavel Dudrenov wrote:

> I keep seeing references to those in code samples all over gambit
> written code. What do they do exactly? I think I know, but they seem
> to take a plethora of keywords as well constructor:, extender:,
> implementer: etc.
> Sorry about the noise,
> Pavel
> P.S.
> These are somewhat documented on the wiki, but most of the keywords
> they take are undocumented.

When I was on the R6RS editors committee I wrote a document to discuss  
the design of a record definition feature for R6RS.  It discusses some  
of the design issues and it explains how Gambit's define-type special  
form addresses these issues.  It's the most complete documentation I  
have on define-type (except for the sources!).  Here it is.


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