[gambit-list] c-lambda fun

Marc Feeley feeley at iro.umontreal.ca
Sat Feb 14 00:19:03 EST 2009

On 13-Feb-09, at 11:45 PM, lowly coder wrote:

> ~/error$ cat int.scm
> (load "comp")
> (pp (add 2))
> (pp (get-foo2 2))
> (pp (get-foo 2))
> (pp (get-str-foo2 "hello"))
> (pp (get-str-foo "world"))
> Question: what's the difference between get-str-foo2 and get-foo2  
> that causes one to work and one throw an error?

When I run your code I get:

#<void* #2 0x3a1378>
#<foo* #3 0x3a1378>
#<void* #4 0x3a1378>
#<foo* #5 0x3a1378>

So the results are the same (except for the fact that the type tag is  
either void* or foo*).  What is the result your get?

I suspect that you did not compile Gambit using --enable-cplusplus .   
If you want to load code compiled by a C++ compiler, then Gambit  
itself must have been compiled with a C++ compiler (so that the ABI is  
the same).


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