[gambit-list] reading list of symbols defined in top level

Marc Feeley feeley at iro.umontreal.ca
Sun Feb 1 00:29:03 EST 2009

On 1-Feb-09, at 12:09 AM, lowly coder wrote:

> suppose I have test.scm:
> (define (foo ...) ...)
> (define (bar ...) ...)
> (define (yay ...) ...)
> (some-magical-funcion) --> '(bar foo yay) # is this possible?
> basically, I want to have some function I can call to get a list of  
> all symbols defined in the current top level

Depends what you mean by "the current top level".  Anyway, the code  
below may be close to what you want:

(##namespace ("foo#"))
(##include "~~lib/gambit#.scm")

(define (id x) x)
(define (square x) (* x x))

(##namespace (""))

(define (global-vars-in-namespace ns)

   (define (symbol-table->list st)
     (apply append
            (map (lambda (s)
                   (let loop ((s s) (lst '()))
                     (if (symbol? s)
                         (loop (##vector-ref s 2) (cons s lst))
                         (reverse lst))))
                 (vector->list st))))

   (define (procedure-in-namespace? s)
     (let ((len (string-length ns))
           (str (symbol->string s)))
       (and (>= (string-length str) len)
            (equal? (substring str 0 len) ns)
            (let ((val (##global-var-ref (##make-global-var s))))
              (procedure? val)))))

   (define (keep keep? lst)
     (cond ((null? lst)       '())
           ((keep? (car lst)) (cons (car lst) (keep keep? (cdr lst))))
           (else              (keep keep? (cdr lst)))))

   (keep procedure-in-namespace?
         (symbol-table->list (##symbol-table))))

(pp (global-vars-in-namespace "foo#")) ;; prints: (foo#square foo#id)

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