[gambit-list] srfi-9

Adrien Piérard pierarda at iro.umontreal.ca
Sun Aug 30 08:53:36 EDT 2009

2009/8/30 Michele Zaffalon <michele.zaffalon at gmail.com>:
> I understand. Just confused by this sentence:
> http://dynamo.iro.umontreal.ca/~gambit/wiki/index.php/Documentation#SRFI:s
> michele

Err, this sentence indeed states that SRFI 9 is builtin.
I checked SRFI-9 (as I don't know the name of each)…
Records ?
I do have that built-in !

>   (define-record-type :pare
    (kons x y)
    (x kar set-kar!)
    (y kdr))
>  (pare? (kons 1 2))
>   (pare? (cons 1 2))

How comes you don't?


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