[gambit-list] Getting char*, uchar*, short*, unsigned short*, ...

James Long longster at gmail.com
Fri Apr 17 13:33:05 EDT 2009

I believe a better way to solve these issues is to create a generic
library for allocating C memory.


(define alloc-u8
  (c-lambda (int) u8*
            "___result_voidstar = malloc(___arg1*sizeof(unsigned char));"))

(define u8*-ref
  (c-lambda (u8* int) int
            "___result = ___arg1[___arg2];"))

(define u8*-set!
  (c-lambda (u8* int int) void
            "___arg1[___arg2] = ___arg3;"))

(define (u8vector->u8* v)
  (let* ((len (u8vector-length v))
         (c-buffer (alloc-u8 len)))
    (let loop (i 0)
      (if (< i len)
            (u8*-set! c-buffer i (u8vector-ref v i))
            (loop (+ i 1)))

(define free
  (c-lambda ((pointer void #f)) void "free((void*)___arg1);"))


void do_something_with_u8(unsigned char *data) {

(define %%do-something-with-u8
   (c-lambda ((pointer unsigned-char)) void "do_something_with_u8"))

(define (do-something-with-u8 v)
  (let ((buf (u8vector->u8* v)))
    (%%do-something-with-u8 buf)
    (free buf)))


I'm working on automatically generating this interface for all the
possible types.  This lets you access all FFI's without the need to
change C code.  Unfortunately, it requires allocation for every call,
but there are ways to optimize this.  That code is completely untested
and just wanted to give you the idea.

- James

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