[gambit-list] Help With Memory
Joel J. Adamson <adamsonj@email.unc.edu>
adamsonj at email.unc.edu
Wed Sep 24 13:31:44 EDT 2008
>>>>> "chj" == Christian Jaeger <christian at pflanze.mine.nu> writes:
chj> I don't have the time to dig into your code. Just to make sure:
chj> - be sure to compile the program;
I have the same problem (at least the same result as far as the crash is
concerned) with compiled or interpreted versions.
chj> (For debugging, also make sure you know how to use
chj> |generate-proper-tail-calls|.)
I have used (generate-proper-tail-calls #f): is there more to it than
that? Where can I read about it?
chj> - find out what the reason of the out of memory situation could
chj> be: is (a) your problem maybe just asking for more memory than
chj> you've got?, or (a2) your problem doesn't necessarily ask for
chj> more memory than you've got in principle, but the way you're
chj> evaluating it (e.g. calculate to eagerly) requires too much
chj> memory at once, or (b) you've got an error in the program which
chj> leads to an infinite loop allocating memory, or (c) your
chj> program is holding on to memory that it doesn't need anymore?
I would find (c) to be the most plausible choice; can I rule out the
other two by tweaking my parameters? If I run fewer iterations, I don't
have the problem and the program completes successfully --- that means
if I create fewer structs, 1000 versus 2000 --- I don't have the problem.
chj> For (c) check your assumptions about the lifetime of memory:
chj> particularly, be aware that structs (as defined using
chj> define-structure or define-type), or in fact any data structure
chj> like cons cells and vectors, will hold on to every location in
chj> them
Okay, so am I screwed here? Just kidding: if I bind them lexically, I
would need to get the data out of them before exiting that closure
(tail-calling my "data-collection" function) --- I can do that.
chj> (this is unlike lexical bindings, which, as I've told above,
chj> will be analyzed by the compiler and only live as long as the
chj> program will possibly refer to them).
Just to make sure I'm understanding: if I do everything with a
particular data structure within a lexical closure, then I can use
whichever sort of data-structure I want (struct, list, vector, etc).
As an example,
(define-structure female
(define (do-struct i)
(let ((struct (make-female
(random-strategy) 1 0)))
(do ((j 0 (+ 1 j)))
((= j 5) (print (female-age struct) "\n"))
(female-age-set struct (+ j (female-age female))))))
This `female' structure is going to get gc'ed when do-struct exits?
chj> Note that when heeding these precautions I could never get
chj> Gambit to leak memory in compiled programs.
Good to know.
Joel J. Adamson
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
CB #3280, Coker Hall
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3280
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