[gambit-list] Gambit-list Digest, Vol 48, Issue 22

Ken Dickey Ken.Dickey at whidbey.com
Tue Sep 23 17:39:36 EDT 2008

On Monday 22 September 2008 18:06:25 Arthur Smyles wrote:
>  My original example
> (if (values #f #f) #t #f)
> doesn't work in scheme because values creates a special object that is
> not false so to make it work properly, 


The example does not work as you expect because you are expecting a different 
language semantics than the Scheme standard specifies.

> I have to do: 
> (if (call-with-values
>          (lambda () (values #f #f))
>          (lambda (primary . secondary) primary))
>     #t
>     #f)
> But if I always have to  do that in order to use my function, then I
> might as well not use values/call-with-values and split the function into
> 2.

The root problems with what you suggest are [1] not all functions talk an 
arbitrary number of values and [2] making this change would really torque the 

You are asking for 
  ((lambda (x) (* x x)) 2 3) -> 4
  (if (vaues #f 2 3 4) 1 2) -> 1

The decision that the language designers made was for safety and for compiler 

The safety assumption is that an error message is more appropriate than 
ignoring "extra" values and filling in "missing" values.

Perhaps it is best to think of calling a function.  Do you want all functions 
to pay the cost of a "rest" list?  I.e. you wish to require the following two 
functions to be equivalent?

(define (double n) (* 2 n)) == (define (double n . rest) (* 2 n))

[Some languages are defined this way.  I would claim that they pay a 
performance penalty, but that is another discussion.]

> >> Unfortunately, the only way to use the current implementation of
> >> 'values' properly is to de-structure it using call-with-values.

In many/most common used cases a compiler can optimize this so that values are 
transmitted directly without the need of a procedure call or construction of 
a function.

   (call-with-values (values 2 3) cons) 
can be transformed to
   (cons 2 3)
by the compiler and even constant folded to
   '(2 . 3)
if the compiler can "prove" from context that the cons cell is never side 
effected and that CONS refers to the classical binding of the cons function.

Whether or not this is done is a compiler optimization problem.  [I have not 
looked, so don't know if Gambit currently performs this optimization.  You 
should probably do so].

You are asking that this type of optimization never be done.

I think it is a lot to ask.


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