[gambit-list] My New Segfault (Re: Tracking Down a Segfault)

Joel J. Adamson <adamsonj@email.unc.edu> adamsonj at email.unc.edu
Fri Sep 5 13:18:13 EDT 2008

>>>>> "Marc" == Marc Feeley <feeley at iro.umontreal.ca> writes:

    Marc> Hard to say without access to your code...  What other
    Marc> c-lambdas and c- defines do you have?

I forgot to mention, this segfault happens when I'm running the
simulation that you can check out here:

# svn co http://chondestes.bio.unc.edu/svn/models/agjones agjones

Here's what happens:

(gdb) run
Starting program: /usr/local/Gambit-C/v4.2.8/bin/gsc 
Gambit v4.2.8

> (load "genxic")
> (gsl-variance (f64vector 0.1 2.5))
> (current-directory "/home/joel/lisp/scm/agjones")
> (load "main.scm")
*** WARNING -- Rebinding global variable "vector-length" to an interpreted procedure
*** WARNING -- Rebinding global variable "f64vector-length" to an interpreted procedure
> (run-sim)
*** STOPPED IN run-sim, "data.scm"@133.6
1> ,e
stream-initialize = #!unbound
stream-consume = #!unbound
1> ,i
#<procedure #2 run-sim> =
(lambda ()
  (letrec ((stream-initialize
            (lambda () (gen-sim-data (vector-length *model-param-vector*))))
            (lambda (a b)
               (lambda (done)
                 (set! *done* done)
                 (if (null? a) (*done* "Done!") (summarize-sim-data a))
                 (call-with-values (lambda () (force b)) stream-consume))))))
    (call-with-values stream-initialize stream-consume)))
1> ,c
| > (vector-length '#((100 50 16 2 1000. .5 0. 0. 0. 1e-4 1. .25 true) (100 5...
| 1152
| > (gen-sim-data 1152)
.| #<unknown>
| > (f64vector-length '#f64(1000.1137275451473 1000.1113046603153 1000.179049...
| 41
| > (f64vector-length '#f64(1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1...
| 59
| > (f64vector-length '#f64(0. 0. 0. 0. 1000.2159945301612 1000.1360547757907...
| 46
| > (f64vector-length '#f64(1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1...
| 54
| > (gen-sim-data 1053)
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xb78815d4 in mark_continuation () at mem.c:2430
(gdb) backtrace
#0  0xb78815d4 in mark_continuation () at mem.c:2430
#1  0xb7883ccf in ___garbage_collect (nonmovable_words_needed=0) at mem.c:3938
#2  0xb78a9b57 in ___H__20___kernel (___ps=0xb7c99820) at _kernel.c:7687
#3  0xb787cec5 in ___call (nargs=0, proc=-1212572783, stack_marker=134579429) at setup.c:1821
#4  0xb787e7ec in ___setup (setup_params=0xbfe353b4) at setup.c:2961
#5  0xb787a578 in ___main (linker=0x8050628 <____20___gsc__>) at main.c:582
#6  0xb788d6fd in ___main_char (argc=1, argv=0xbfe35554, linker=0x8050628 <____20___gsc__>, script_line=0x0) at os_base.c:338
#7  0x08050669 in main (argc=-1218998865, argv=0xb75efbd1) at _gsc_.c:12043
(gdb) break mem.c:2430
Breakpoint 2 at 0xb78815cf: file mem.c, line 2430.
(gdb) run
The program being debugged has been started already.
Start it from the beginning? (y or n) y
Starting program: /usr/local/Gambit-C/v4.2.8/bin/gsc 

Breakpoint 2, mark_continuation () at mem.c:2430
(gdb) backtrace
#0  mark_continuation () at mem.c:2430
#1  0xb7920ccf in ___garbage_collect (nonmovable_words_needed=0) at mem.c:3938
#2  0xb793c9dc in ___H__20___kernel (___ps=0xb7d36820) at _kernel.c:3246
#3  0xb7919e41 in ___call (nargs=0, proc=-1211929711, stack_marker=134579429) at setup.c:1817
#4  0xb791b7ec in ___setup (setup_params=0xbfcd2254) at setup.c:2961
#5  0xb7917578 in ___main (linker=0x8050628 <____20___gsc__>) at main.c:582
#6  0xb792a6fd in ___main_char (argc=1, argv=0xbfcd23f4, linker=0x8050628 <____20___gsc__>, script_line=0x0) at os_base.c:338
#7  0x08050669 in main (argc=3198, argv=0xf01d) at _gsc_.c:12043

What does mark_continuation() do?


Joel J. Adamson
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
CB #3280, Coker Hall
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3280

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