[gambit-list] Practices in FFI development, previously Re: Tracking Down a Segfault

Christian Jaeger christian at pflanze.mine.nu
Fri Sep 5 08:36:36 EDT 2008

Mikael More wrote:
>>    MM>  - Throwing exceptions with no handler/catcher may sigsegv your
>>    MM> app.
>> Good to know, I was unaware of this.
> We saw this in threads, i.e. we got sigsegv when the thunk of a threads
> throws an exception and there was no exception handler.

I think the case you're referring to was the one with Termite, where the 
exception handler itself was calling unsafe internal Gambit functions 
with wrong types.

So it has nothing to do with not having an exception handler, but having 
actually one which is broken.

There's no reason that threads "without exception handler" (they have 
one anyway by default) would segfault.

(I don't have the time to check the remainder of your mail right now)


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