[gambit-list] [PATCH] Fix .gambc_history permissions

Christian Jaeger christian at pflanze.mine.nu
Wed Oct 15 03:39:18 EDT 2008

Bradley Lucier wrote:
> Wouldn't it be better to create it with the current UMASK?

That was the previous behaviour, i.e. permissions: #o666.

Usually you're using an umask that allows read permission to other 
users, i.e. is used to describe how permissive writing to your files is. 
There's no separate umask for sensitive files. Programs wishing to make 
files private need to do so explicitely (examples that do so include 
bash, mysql, psql, rlwrap).

The "perlfunc" manpage says about umask:

               «Here's some advice: supply a creation mode of 0666 for 
regular files (in
               "sysopen") and one of 0777 for directories (in "mkdir") 
and executable files.
               This gives users the freedom of choice: if they want 
protected files, they might
               choose process umasks of 022, 027, or even the 
particularly antisocial mask of
               077.  Programs should rarely if ever make policy 
decisions better left to the
               user.  The exception to this is when writing files that 
should be kept private:
               mail files, web browser cookies, .rhosts files, and so on.»

(The libc manual says:

«Programs that create files typically specify a mode argument that 
includes all the permissions that make sense for the particular file. 
For an ordinary file, this is typically read and write permission for 
all classes of users. These permissions are then restricted as specified 
by the individual user's own file creation mask. »

Since history files could contain sensitive information, a permissive 
file mode like for normal files doesn't "make sense".)

Note that you could always "chmod" the file's permissions after it's 
creation to make it more accessible, Gambit won't change the permissions 
of the file once it exists. This is also a bit of a caveat to normal 
users: the given patch doesn't make your already existing history files 
(from previous Gambit versions) private, you need to make those private 
manually (or delete them).


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