[gambit-list] Gambit installer

Kurt B. Kaiser kbk at shore.net
Wed Oct 1 01:38:00 EDT 2008

On Mon, Sep 29 2008, Adrien Pierard wrote:

> With the new version of Gambit, I decided to take some time to fix the
> installer 

What is the "installer"?  Are you referring to the Makefiles in the
Gambit-C source, as they pertain to unix?  If so, I have some comments.

> and chose to install gambit in
> $prefix/bin/{gsi-$version,gsc-$version}
> $prefix/lib/gambit-c/$version
> $prefix/doc/gambit-c/$version
> $prefix/share/gambit-c/$version
> $prefix/info/gambit-c/$version
> $prefix/include/gambit-c/$version
> (the hardcoded "gambit-c" couls also be a variable, for those who run
> only one version of gambit and want to install directly into the
> $prefix subtree.)
> This should hopefully allow those who want to run several versions of
> gambit at once to do so (which explains the current behaviour of the
> installer), 

IMHO, the current method is better than your suggestion for multiple
version installation in /usr/local/.

For the standard Gambit library package (libgambc4 and libgmabc4-dev)
installation on Debian, the file layout is currently


/usr/lib/libgambc.so.4               S
/usr/lib/libgambcgsc.so.4            S
/usr/lib/libgambcgsi.so.4            S

/usr/lib/libgambcgsi.so              S 
/usr/lib/libgambcgsc.so              S
/usr/lib/libgambc.so                 S

The files marked with S are symlinks.

Putting the supporting files in /usr/lib/gambc4 is a good idea, because
we don't want to clutter up /usr/lib/, and we'd never find them in the
hundreds of files in /usr/lib, anyway.

(As an aside, the Gambit source is now creating three shared libs.  This
caused me some pain, because it's three times as much to move around
during packaging if something changes.  Why three?)

Gambit has the possibility of creating stand-alone executables linked to
a dynamic library.  This is very nice, but one thing I haven't seen
discussed is the backwards ABI compatibility.  I've seen a hint that a
Gambit executable will only run with the exact point version shared lib
it was linked with.  That would defeat the usefulness of the shared lib,
because you'd either have to recompile all your Gambit executables on
every upgrade, or maintain all previous versions of the library, which
is impractical.  You'd be far better off using static libs.

Think about this in terms of other shared libs you work with!

What I would hope is that any executable compiled with Gambit 4.X.X
could be dynamically linked with any later 4.X.X shared lib.  When ABI
backwards compatibility is broken, then it's time for 5.0.0, a libgambc5
package, and /usr/lib/gambc5.  I would hope this wouldn't happen more than
once every couple of years, or less.

I bring this up because I think the versioning scheme you are proposing
differs from standard practice, especially for shared libs.  As we move
to Gambit-C 5, it might make sense to keep the libgambc4 package
installed for awhile to support old apps built with Gambit-C 4 which
haven't yet moved to Gambit-C 5.  But it isn't practical to have a bunch
of point release packages installed and tracked in the Debian

> and also avoid clashes with names already taken by other binaires
> (such as ghostscript).

A different subject.  Installing as gsi-4.2.9 is a little ugly, and
doesn't really solve your name clash.  What are you planning to call
your man pages?

How about using gambci and gambcc?  That way, if people have scripts that
call these executables, they won't have to constantly update them.  On
Debian, I'll just symlink gsi and gsc.  We don't have a clash, I think
because gambit was there first.  Ghostscript is gs.

> Yet, there's two issues for which I need your advice: - Where should I
> put syntax-case.scm?  

I've got it in 

/usr/share/doc/gambc-doc/examples/syntax-case.scm.gz    :-)

but I would have no problem if it was in /usr/lib/gambc4/.

> - What happens to the shortcut "~~" in file
> paths?
> ideally, "~~" should be expanded by the binaries into the
> corresponding path (such as $prefix/lib/gambit-c/$version) where
> everything needed is found, and where I plan to put syntax-case.scm

"everything needed" ??

On Debian following a standard

$ apt-get install gambc gambc-doc

(path-expand "~~") ->  "/usr" 

(Note that Debian and Ubuntu are currently at 4.2.8. Updates to these
systems occur automatically during the system wide upgrades once gambc
is installed for the first time.  I'll upload the next release to
unstable once Debian Lenny is released - RSN! I'm keeping unstable open
in case an RC bug in 4.2.8 pops up which needs a fix.  So far, so good.)

The package installation system on Debian doesn't touch /usr/local/.  I
can install any number of vanilla upstream versions in
/usr/local/Gambit-C/vX.X.X/, which can be helpful for development and
packaging.  When I do that, ~~ expands to /usr/local/Gambit-C/vX.X.X/.
In other words, it always points at the current install tree.  This is
consistent, and works fine.

If you want lib, then ~~/lib/ will do it, no matter which installation
you're in.  If you do change this, you will need to update the Gambit
documentation, and worry about existing code.

Note that with the current Debian configuration, the comments in the
Gambit Manual Section 3.4.1 on compiler options are unnecessary, and so
are -lm -ldl -lutil.  Everything just works.

> The aim of this "fix" is to make gambit fully portable and
> configurable on as many OSs as possible.

It's already pretty good.   Most of the "fix" will just complicate
things for the rest of us packagers.

Packaging is usually done in two stages.  First, build and do a dummy
installation in a suitable place.  I do something like

        $(MAKE) install prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr \
                           this gets rid of the v4.2.8/

Then install the files into the final locations in the package from
there using your distro's packaging tools and brute force, in some
clever combination.  The locations can differ from what you might
consider a unix "standard".  For example, on Debian the info files go
into /usr/share/info, and the docs into /usr/share/doc/gambc-doc/

It seems that you are planning on changing the first stage (what Gambit's
make install does) to make it more convenient for your purposes.  Fine,
but you are going to cause the other packagers pain, because we've already
worked out all these details and will have to modify our packaging to
undo your "fix". OTOH, putting the supporting files in .../lib/gambc4 is
a good thing.

I've included a couple of patches below to give you an idea of what's
involved.  The first one shows how the soname is created, and is
something that might be good to add to the Gambit-C source.  The second
one allows Gambit to find the supporting files in /usr/lib/gambc4.
Right now, it needs a bootstrap, and it would be nice if that could be


#!/bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
## 100_pass_soname_when_linking.dpatch by Kurt B. Kaiser <kbk at shore.net>
## DP: Support passing soname when linking libgambc; install libgambc as
## DP: libgambc.so.4 and install links libgambc.so.4 and libgambc.so
## DP: Also do the same for libgambcgsc.so and libgambcgsi.so
## DP: Upstream is now creating three shared libs.

diff -urNad gambc~/configure.ac gambc/configure.ac
--- gambc~/configure.ac	2008-06-04 18:20:15.000000000 -0400
+++ gambc/configure.ac	2008-06-04 18:20:17.000000000 -0400
@@ -12,6 +12,19 @@
+TRIPLET_VERSION=$(echo $PACKAGE_VERSION | sed -e "s/v//")
@@ -1196,6 +1209,14 @@
+     # Debian:
+     linux* | kfreebsd* | hurd*)
+             GAMBCGSILIB=$GSI_LIB_VERSION	     
+             SETDLPATH="LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\$(rootfromhere)/lib:\$(rootfromhere)/gsi:\$(rootfromhere)/gsc:\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
+             ;;
           *) GAMBCLIB="libgambc.so"
@@ -1203,8 +1224,18 @@
+  if test $GAMBCLIB = $LIB_VERSION; then 
+  else
+  fi
+  if test $GAMBCLIB = $LIB_VERSION; then 
+  else
+  fi
@@ -1341,6 +1372,10 @@
diff -urNad gambc~/gsc/makefile.in gambc/gsc/makefile.in
--- gambc~/gsc/makefile.in	2008-06-04 18:20:15.000000000 -0400
+++ gambc/gsc/makefile.in	2008-06-04 18:20:17.000000000 -0400
@@ -30,8 +30,10 @@
@@ -146,6 +148,11 @@
 	rm -f $(LIBRARY)
+	# needed for bootstrap:
+	if test $(GAMBCLIB) = $(LIB_VERSION); then \
+		ln -sf $(GAMBCGSCLIB) $(LIB_SONAME); \
+		ln -sf $(LIB_SONAME) libgambcgsc.so; \
+	fi
 _gambcgsc.c: $(LIBRARY_MODULES_C) $(rootfromhere)/lib/_gambc.c
 	@SETDLPATH@ $(rootfromhere)/gsc-comp -:=$(srcdirpfx)$(rootfromhere) -f -link -l $(srcdirpfx)$(rootfromhere)/lib/_gambc -o $@ $(LIBRARY_MODULES_C)
@@ -182,6 +189,11 @@
 	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdirpfx)_gambcgsc.c $(libdir)/_gambcgsc.c
 	$(INSTALL_LIB) $(LIBRARY) $(libdir)/$(LIBRARY)
+	if test $(GAMBCLIB) = $(LIB_VERSION); then \
+		cd $(libdir); \
+		ln -sf $(GAMBCGSCLIB) $(LIB_SONAME); \
+		ln -sf $(LIB_SONAME) libgambcgsc.so; \
+	fi
 	@FIXLIB@ $(libdir)/$(LIBRARY)
 	#for library in $(LIBRARIES_SCM); do \
 	#  $(INSTALL_DATA) $$library $(libdir)/$$library; \
@@ -193,6 +205,8 @@
 	rm -f $(bindir)/$(EXECUTABLE)
+	rm -f $(libdir)/$(LIB_SONAME)
+	rm -f $(libdir)/libgambcgsc.so
diff -urNad gambc~/gsi/makefile.in gambc/gsi/makefile.in
--- gambc~/gsi/makefile.in	2008-06-04 18:20:15.000000000 -0400
+++ gambc/gsi/makefile.in	2008-06-04 18:20:42.000000000 -0400
@@ -30,8 +30,10 @@
@@ -166,6 +168,11 @@
 	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdirpfx)_gambcgsi.c $(libdir)/_gambcgsi.c
 	$(INSTALL_LIB) $(LIBRARY) $(libdir)/$(LIBRARY)
+	if test $(GAMBCLIB) = $(LIB_VERSION); then \
+		cd $(libdir); \
+		ln -sf $(GAMBCGSILIB) $(LIB_SONAME); \
+		ln -sf $(LIB_SONAME) libgambcgsi.so; \
+	fi
 	@FIXLIB@ $(libdir)/$(LIBRARY)
 	#for library in $(LIBRARIES_SCM); do \
 	#  $(INSTALL_DATA) $$library $(libdir)/$$library; \
@@ -177,6 +184,8 @@
 	rm -f $(bindir)/$(EXECUTABLE)
+	rm -f $(libdir)/$(LIB_SONAME)
+	rm -f $(libdir)/libgambcgsi.so
diff -urNad gambc~/lib/makefile.in gambc/lib/makefile.in
--- gambc~/lib/makefile.in	2008-06-04 18:20:15.000000000 -0400
+++ gambc/lib/makefile.in	2008-06-04 18:20:17.000000000 -0400
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
@@ -117,6 +119,11 @@
 	rm -f $(LIBRARY)
+	# needed for bootstrap:
+	if test $(GAMBCLIB) = $(LIB_VERSION); then \
+		ln -sf $(GAMBCLIB) $(LIB_SONAME); \
+		ln -sf $(LIB_SONAME) libgambc.so; \
+	fi
 _gambc.c: $(MODULES_C)
 	@SETDLPATH@ $(rootfromhere)/gsc-comp -:=$(srcdirpfx)$(rootfromhere) -f -link -flat -o _gambc.c $(MODULES_C)
@@ -166,6 +173,11 @@
 	$(srcdirpfx)$(rootfromhere)/mkidirs $(libdir)
 	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdirpfx)_gambc.c $(libdir)/_gambc.c
 	$(INSTALL_LIB) $(LIBRARY) $(libdir)/$(LIBRARY)
+	if test $(GAMBCLIB) = $(LIB_VERSION); then \
+		cd $(libdir); \
+		ln -sf $(GAMBCLIB) $(LIB_SONAME); \
+		ln -sf $(LIB_SONAME) libgambc.so; \
+	fi
 	@FIXLIB@ $(libdir)/$(LIBRARY)
 	for library in $(LIBRARIES_SCM); do \
 	  $(INSTALL_DATA) $$library $(libdir)/$$library; \
@@ -176,6 +188,8 @@
 	rm -f $(libdir)/_gambc.c
 	rm -f $(libdir)/$(LIBRARY)
+	rm -f $(libdir)/$(LIB_SONAME)
+	rm -f $(libdir)/libgambc.so
 	@for library in $(LIBRARIES_SCM); do \
 	  rm -f $(libdir)/$$library; \


It would be nice if this could be configured without requiring a bootstrap:

#!/bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
## 99_move_base_link_file.dpatch by "Kurt B. Kaiser" <kbk at shore.net>
## DP: Find the compiler's base link file in lib/gambc4 instead of lib/ so
## DP: the user doesn't have to specify the path. It would be best if
## DP: this wasn't hard coded in Gambit-C.

diff -urNad gambc~/gsc/_gsclib.scm gambc/gsc/_gsclib.scm
--- gambc~/gsc/_gsclib.scm	2008-03-10 12:22:50.000000000 -0400
+++ gambc/gsc/_gsclib.scm	2008-06-05 09:20:01.000000000 -0400
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
                             (let ((gambcdir-lib
-                                      (##path-expand "lib" (##path-expand "~~"))))
+                                      (##path-expand "lib/gambc4" (##path-expand "~~"))))
                               (##string-append gambcdir-lib "_gambc"))
                             (macro-force-vars (base)

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