[gambit-list] Gambit Dumping Grounds

Adrien Pierard pierarda at iro.umontreal.ca
Wed Mar 19 07:57:11 EDT 2008

On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 11:24:20PM -0400, James Long wrote :
> I'm really excited about this.  I think there will be a huge amount of  
> code dumped there.

So am I!
I think that this somehow informal repository might even be better for
gambit that (at least for now) any formal attempt to create a package
Unfortunately, the only code I have that can be published is not in my
current country, and that computer hosting it is turned off...

> I can polish my OpenGL FFI and put it up there in the near future, but  
> it's a straight interface to the gl* functions.  Anyone else have a  
> nicer OpenGL FFI (that makes it more "schemey")?

This reminds me a discussion I had with Joe Armstrong (Erlang) which
said that X had in fact an underlying Messapge Passing Style hidden
deeply under the unpleasant interface one has to use to program...

It might be useful to work on how some common purely imperative APIs can
be (or are) interfaced properly from a functional programming point of
view. There must be a hidden macro-based recipe to handle transparently
most horrible function calls (by using some State Passing Style or a
monad maybe?) It might be worth looking at GHC's (Haskell) interface to
X which seems to be very effectively used in XMonad.


"I am not a Church numeral; I am a free variable!"
(The Scheme Underground)
For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong.

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