[gambit-list] error running with emacs in windows xp

Aaron Ash aaron.ash at gmail.com
Sat Jan 26 21:33:46 EST 2008


When running gambit 4.0b22 (or termite) with and without --enable-gcc-opts
compiled in I get an error when I press C-d in the debugger.

Here is an interaction log in the emacs *scheme* buffer:

Gambit Version 4.0 beta 22

> (wtf)
*** ERROR IN (stdin)@1.2 -- Unbound variable: wtf
;;;; Note: I press C-d when the first debug prompt appears and this error is
1> *** ERROR IN (stdin)@1.2 -- The pipe has been ended.
(peek-char '#<input-port #2 (stdin)>)
1> *** ERROR IN (stdin)@1.2 -- The pipe has been ended.
(peek-char '#<input-port #2 (stdin)>)
1> *** ERROR IN (stdin)@1.2 -- The pipe has been ended.
(peek-char '#<input-port #2 (stdin)>)
1> *** ERROR IN (stdin)@1.2 -- The pipe has been ended.
(peek-char '#<input-port #2 (stdin)>)

The error keeps looping until I kill the gsi.exe process with the task

Any ideas what's going on here?

The debug commands still seem to work fine though.
ie.  ,t  ,d  etc.
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