[gambit-list] Type checking

Joel J. Adamson jadamson at partners.org
Fri Jan 11 09:58:05 EST 2008

Marc Feeley <feeley at iro.umontreal.ca> writes:

> Your message prompted me to do some extensions to the FFI's foreign
> type implementation I was meaning to do for a while.

Wow --- I think I'm hooked on Gambit ;)

> On 10-Jan-08, at 10:56 AM, Joel J. Adamson wrote:
>> Dear Gambit List,
>> I have a set of datatypes defined with c-define-type based on the GNU
>> Scientific Library.  The Gambit-C manual says "For type checking
>> on the Scheme side..." to use the TAG function of the  type definition
>> as in
>> (c-define-type gsl-matrix* (pointer gsl-matrix "gsl-matrix*"))
> Note that your code is incorrect.  It should read
>   (c-define-type gsl-matrix* (pointer gsl-matrix gsl-matrix*))

Yes, I was typing it from memory; it actually reads like this:

(c-define-type gsl-matrix
	       (type "gsl_matrix"
(c-define-type gsl-matrix*
	       (pointer "gsl_matrix"

The only difference being the double-quotation marks around the C type;
should I not use them?

>> What is the best way to use this to define a boolean test
>> (e.g. gsl-matrix*?) for this type?
> The new implementation of foreign types (now in the Gambit repository)

Looks like I'll be installing Mercurial ;)

Thanks a huge bunch for your suggestions (and needless to say for
updating the code --- open source strikes again).

Joel J. Adamson
Pediatric Psychopharmacology Research Unit
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, MA  02114
(617) 643-1432
(303) 880-3109

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