[gambit-list] Type checking

Joel J. Adamson jadamson at partners.org
Thu Jan 10 10:56:57 EST 2008

Dear Gambit List,

I have a set of datatypes defined with c-define-type based on the GNU
Scientific Library.  The Gambit-C manual says "For type checking
on the Scheme side..." to use the TAG function of the  type definition
as in

(c-define-type gsl-matrix* (pointer gsl-matrix "gsl-matrix*"))

What is the best way to use this to define a boolean test
(e.g. gsl-matrix*?) for this type?  I feel like I must be missing
something since the explanation of type checking stops with how to
define the TAG and how it's printed in the external representation of an
object of that type.

For example:
;;gsl-matrix-initialize returns a pointer
;;to a gsl-matrix
(define A (gsl-matrix-initialize))  
#<gsl-matrix* 2 0x38f9e89>                                    


Joel J. Adamson
Pediatric Psychopharmacology Research Unit
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, MA  02114
(617) 643-1432
(303) 880-3109

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