[gambit-list] [PATCH] Patch to speed string comparisons and hashing

Bradley Lucier lucier at math.purdue.edu
Tue Feb 26 09:12:17 EST 2008

On Feb 22, 2008, at 4:07 PM, Christian Jaeger wrote:

> I wonder whether the (not interrupts-enabled) is a good idea: I  
> expect that if you're handling huge strings, interactivity of other  
> threads will suffer.

Marc has convinced me that disabling interrupts is not a good idea; a  
few tests show that it doesn't improve performance on those small,  
tight loops where you're (currently) sure you don't allocate any  
memory (probably because Gambit now uses __builtin_expect to tell gcc  
that those POLLs are unlikely to be taken), and in other cases it's  
not clear that the performance difference is caused by anything more  
than a different code alignment, etc.

So I've gone through the benchmarks and re-enabled interrupts.  The  
only program it makes a difference in is fannkuch, of a little less  
than 20%.


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