[gambit-list] Speed on XML-parsing

Bradley Lucier lucier at math.purdue.edu
Sat Aug 16 22:53:36 EDT 2008

Sorry, there was a bug in ssax#read-char, a corrected version is
included here. There doesn't seem to be a short and easily identifiable
"fast-path" in ##write-char, so I just defined ssax#write-char, which is
a copy of ##write-char, and defined write-char in terms of it in

Pretty strange that the tests in test-sxml.scm passed ...

I ran Marc's example of "build-your-own" string ports on my machine and

frying-pan:~/programs/gambc-v4_2_3/ssax-sxml> gsi test-io-3
(time (convoluted-string-length1 s))
    420 ms real time
    420 ms cpu time (400 user, 20 system)
    1 collection accounting for 17 ms real time (12 user, 4 system)
    40016080 bytes allocated
    8913 minor faults
    no major faults
(time (convoluted-string-length2 s))
    13 ms real time
    12 ms cpu time (12 user, 0 system)
    no collections
    32 bytes allocated
    no minor faults
    no major faults

Pretty convincing.  I then ran

(define (convoluted-string-length2 str)
   (let ((port (open-input-string str)))
     (let loop ((i 0))
       (let ((c (read-char port)))
         (if (char? c)
             (loop (+ i 1))

(define (convoluted-string-length3 port)
  (let loop ((i 0))
    (let ((c (read-char port)))
      (if (char? c)
	  (loop (+ i 1))

(define (test)
   (let ((s (make-string 4000000 #\!)))
     (pretty-print (time (convoluted-string-length2 s)))
     (let ((port (open-input-string s)))
      (pretty-print (time (convoluted-string-length3 port))) )))


with the prefix I made for ssax-sxml.scm and got

frying-pan:~/programs/gambc-v4_2_3/ssax-sxml> gsi test-io
(time (convoluted-string-length2 s))
    121 ms real time
    124 ms cpu time (112 user, 12 system)
    1 collection accounting for 17 ms real time (12 user, 4 system)
    40016080 bytes allocated
    8912 minor faults
    no major faults
(time (convoluted-string-length3 port))
    74 ms real time
    76 ms cpu time (76 user, 0 system)
    no collections
    -16 bytes allocated
    no minor faults
    no major faults

So open-input-string on a length 4000000 string takes 50ms and allocates
40016080 bytes.

I wanted to test the effects of these changes on the "Gambit
Benchmarks", so I added the ssax-sxml.scm prefix to prefix-gambit.scm
and ran

./bench -s r6rs-fixflo-unsafe gambit 'cat compiler slatex tail wc dynamic sum1'

all the benchmarks that contain read-char, peek-char, write-char, or
eof-object?.  Here are the results, first the cputime without the local
i/o procedures, then with:

cat:      880 ms  160 ms
compiler: 824 ms  820 ms
slatex:   356 ms  232 ms
tail:     692 ms  380 ms
wc:       400 ms  100 ms
dynamic:  732 ms  696 ms
sum1:     880 ms  896 ms

Judging from




this compilation strategy of adding local versions of read-char,
write-char, and peek-char, which I outline back in February 2007,


would allow gambit to improve in the heavy-duty character-oriented
benchmarks cat, wc, tail, and slatex.

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