[gambit-list] patch against 4.2.6 to configure into different directory other than srcdir

Jakob Praher jp at hapra.at
Sun Aug 3 08:58:55 EDT 2008

hi people,

this is just a very simple patch to make the following work for me:

gambit_src$ mkdir output
gambit_src/output$ ../configure [OPTIONS]
gambit_src/output$ make

the reason this scenario did not work for me was that gambit.h, after 
the configure step, is rendered into the output directory's include 
directory, but it was referenced to the source tree's include directory 
(where only the .in file resides). IMHO the reason it builds otherwise 
is that the two include directories are the same.

maybe 've overlooked something.

-- Jakob

PS: I checked on the mercurial repo browser, and it seems to me that 
this did not change (changeset 158 still does have the INCLUDES variable 
set to $(srcdirpfx)$(rootfromhere) $(srcdir). So it might apply to the 
trunk as well.
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