[gambit-list] What are your experiences of Termite?

Marc Feeley feeley at iro.umontreal.ca
Tue Apr 29 19:58:51 EDT 2008

On 29-Apr-08, at 2:13 PM, Mikael More wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm interested in hearing what uses you and others have had of  
> termite, in production as well as experimentally. What is your  
> general experience? Is it mature for production use? If not, then  
> what needs to be improved? If so, what are the areas that would  
> benefit from further development?
> By what reasons would you or would you not go with Erlang, or any  
> other environment, to fill the same purposes? If any other  
> environment, then what environment?

Interesting question!  I'm not aware of "production use" of Termite  
but if someone knows please speak up!

I would like to ask you a question... what are you trying to do with  
Termite or Erlang, and why do you have a specific interest in Termite?

One of the nice things about Gambit is that it can be used to  
implement Termite-like embedded languages relatively easily.  All the  
infrastructure is there (networking, object serialization, efficient  
threads).  If you want to see how, look at the example in examples/ 
distr-comp particularly examples/distr-comp/dc.scm .  If that's not  
exactly what you want, go ahead and change it.  Try that with Erlang!


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