[gambit-list] I/O: read versus read-line and read-all

Joel J. Adamson jadamson at partners.org
Tue Apr 22 09:29:55 EDT 2008

Hello Gambitizers,

I have the following attached program that I'm working on.  It's
"Intelligent WTF", based on the BSD Games acronym finder called wtf.
I'm working on making it "intelligent," so that you can teach it new

That's where I'm getting tripped up.  The learning procedure
teach-new-acronym needs to read the new acronym from the keyboard at
line 174.  Here's what happens: ("iwtf is" is the prompt for an acronym
to look up)


> (load "iwtf.scm")

iwtf is asdf
Wow, I really ought to know what "asdf" means.

I can learn a new acronym and place it in your private database, or
learn new synonyms for acronyms that I already know.  I put synonyms
in a local hidden file (starting with ".").

Please select from the following menu:
(0) Teach me, iwtf, a new acronym

(1) Teach me a synonym

(2) Look up a new acronym

(3) Exit iwtf altogether


Type the new definition: 
iwtf is jkl

What's happening there at "Type the new definition: " is that it returns
to top-level instead of waiting for user input.

I'm not really sure what's going on here.  I can create a simple program
that does what I would want this to do:

#!/usr/bin/env gsi-script

(display (read-line))
/home/joel/lisp/scm/wtf: ZShell> test.scm
this is input! ; typed
this is input! ; output

Am I asking for user input too late or too early in the
teach-new-acronym function?

I appreciate any pointers or suggestions on this problem, and any style

I promise this will go to the Dumping Grounds as soon as it's finished.


Joel J. Adamson
Pediatric Psychopharmacology Research Unit
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, MA  02114
(617) 643-1432
(303) 880-3109
Public key: http://pgp.mit.edu

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