[gambit-list] [Snow-users-list] Using Termite + Snow

Marc Feeley feeley at iro.umontreal.ca
Tue Sep 25 00:03:07 EDT 2007

On 24-Sep-07, at 11:53 PM, andrew cooke wrote:

> [Not sure whether to use Gambit or Snow list - hope duplication not a
> problem]
> I have just installed Gambit (4.0.1), Termite (tarball) and Snow  
> (1.1.1).
> Things seem OK, in that the following works:
>> gsi
> Gambit v4.0.1
>> (self)
> #<thread #1 primordial>
> So I then defined the following in a Snow package:
> (cond-expand
>  (gambit
>   (define (acu-pmap f lst)
>     (let ((parent (self)))
>       (map (lambda (pid)
>              (recv ((,pid reply) reply)))
>            (map (lambda (x)
>                   (spawn (lambda () (! parent (list (self) (f x))))))
>                 lst)))))
>  (else
>   (define (acu-pmap f lst) (map f lst))))
> However, when I try to use code that calls acu-pmap I get the error  
> (line
> 30 is the "let"):
> *** ERROR IN ac-utils/v1#acu-pmap, "ac-utils.scm"@30.20 -- Unbound
> variable: ac-utils/v1#self
> Can anyone suggest why this doesn't work and/or how I can fix it?
> Thanks,
> Andrew

Snow will prepend the package name to "self", i.e "mypack#self",  
because self is not imported from another package.  I suggest you (or  
Guillaume Germain) write a "termite" package which exports functions  
like self, make-node, etc.  Alternatively just add this namespace  
declaration at the top:

(##namespace ("" self make-node))

You will need to add all the Termite functions/special forms that you  
want to import.


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