[gambit-list] ssax-sxml for gambc-4.0b21

Aycan iRiCAN aycan.irican at core.gen.tr
Mon Mar 26 09:04:06 EDT 2007

"Aycan iRiCAN" <aycan.irican at core.gen.tr> writes:

> Here is the proper Makefile of ssax-sxml-gambit-060529.tgz for gambit
> 4.0 beta 21. You should change the prefix variable before using this
> Makefile.
> Best Regards,

This a slightly modified Makefile that creates a shared-library and a
loadable library for ssax-sxml-gambit-060529.tgz.

Here is an example transcript for loadable ssax-sxml library.

ssax-sxml $ gsi
Gambit Version 4.0 beta 21

> (load "ssax-sxml")
> (ssax:xml->sxml (open-input-string "<example>Peace at home, peace in the world.</example>") '())
(*TOP* (example "Peace at home, peace in the world."))
> (sxml:document "http://library.readscheme.org" '())
(*TOP* (html (head (title "Bibliography of Scheme-related Research")
                   (meta (@ (name "generator") (content "SchemeBib and Site-ML")))
                   (meta (@ (name "description") (content "Online bibliography of Scheme research")))
                   (meta (@ (name "keywords") (content "Scheme, bibliography, research")))
Best Regards,

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Aycan iRiCAN
KOR Bili?im Teknolojileri

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