[gambit-list] Valid namespace prefix

James Long longster at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 10:32:46 EDT 2007

Here's the main the problem I'm trying to solve:  I'm trying to figure
out how to export records or types (or anything that uses macro
rewriting).  my system will use records extensively, using
define-structure or define-type.  Obviously I don't want to have to
manually export every function that define-type creates.

I suppose there's an argument to be made that the module owning a
record type should be the only thing with complete access to it, and
it should delegate control by exporting getter/setter functions and
constructors.  However, it seems like that could get tedious.

I'm developing prototype apps just to get a feel for how I want to do
things, and currently I'm trying out this pattern that binds
everything to a namespace (as described in Feeley's email):

(namespace ("foo#"))
(##include "~~/lib/gambit#.scm")
(define-structure bar a b c)

and when referencing code outside of the current module, always use
fully qualified identifiers:

(namespace (""))
(define obj (foo#make-bar 1 2 3))
(foo#bar-a bar)

I won't feel comfortable using Snow until I get a feel for how I want
to structure my modules.  It looks great though, and I may end up
using it when I write production-ready code.

Christian, does chjmodule support what you described?

(import christianjaeger-foobar-subfu as: subfu)

If so, how does it scan the namespace?

Marc, thanks for more examples on Gambit's namespaces.  I was thinking
that (namespace) simply mapped all the definitions afterward (or some
if given a list of identifiers) to new names with the supplied prefix.
 It's a little more complex though, so "#" must be hardcoded into the

On 7/30/07, Christian Jaeger <christian at pflanze.mine.nu> wrote:

> - if you always fully qualify your identifyers, you don't need any
> system support for namspaces at all (just use R5RS identifyers happening
> to have colons in them).
> - you usually want _short_ namespace prefixes if you're using them often
> in user code to prevent having long identifyers (for less typing and
> better readability). OTOH, you want _long_ namespace names to decrease
> the risk of namespace clashes between different authors. The obvious
> solution for this is to map globally unique namespace names onto short
> local namespace prefixes. And, as I've said, for this the # syntax comes
> in fine: you could, for example, have an identifyer being fully
> qualified with a globally unique namespace name (directly accessed using
> the lowlevel Gambit namespacing):
> christianjaeger-foobar-subfu#foo
> or maybe even, if you want,
> org.apache.foobarproject.somemodule#foo
> and then your importer aliases those to, for example,
> (import christianjaeger-foobar-subfu as: subfu)
> and use the foo value as
> subfu:foo
> (or directly as foo if no clashes occur)
> or
> (import org.apache.foobarproject.somemodule as: fb)
> and use it's foo value as
> fb:foo
> just for the scope of the module where those import statements are being
> used.
> How exactly this mapping and import syntax should look is open for
> discussion and implementation.
> BTW you should maybe take a look at the "Snow!" packaging/module system.
> Christian.
> James Long wrote:
> > How come Gambit enforces the module# syntax for namespaces?  I have
> > just started using them, and have looked at many posts describing the
> > system, but I don't remember anyone explaining the reason for this
> > syntax.
> >
> > For example, trying anything different than module gives an error:
> >
> >
> >> (namespace ("foo:"))
> >>
> > *** ERROR IN (console)@1.13 -- Ill-formed namespace prefix
> >
> > I would like to use the colon syntax as I find it much more readable,
> > especially for user-land code.  I'm going to usually use fully
> > qualified names, so this slight readability improvement is important.
> > Is there a reason I shouldn't be able to do this?
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James L
Indium Studios, Inc.
Graphics Programmer
longster at gmail.com

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