[gambit-list] Compiling gsc .exe unWindows with MSYS

David Rush kumoyuki at gmail.com
Sat Jul 21 16:32:30 EDT 2007

Hey there,

I'm planning to upgrade to the most recent G4 on Windows, but I dont;
imagine it will make a huge difference with this. I'm a little stumped
by the following link-time errors I am getting using MSYS (and hence,
I believe the MinGW version of gcc) to compile and link:

>\tools\gambit-c\4.0b20\bin\gsc -verbose -debug -link test.scm
>gcc -I /tools/gambit-c/4.0b20/include test.c test_.c -L
gcc -I /tools/gambit-c/4.0b20/include test.c test_.c -L
C:\DOCUME~1\drr\LOCALS~1\Temp/ccsPaaaa.o(.text+0x6b):test.c: undefined
reference to `___gstate'
C:\DOCUME~1\drr\LOCALS~1\Temp/ccsPaaaa.o(.text+0xb3):test.c: undefined
reference to `___gstate'
undefined reference to `___gstate'
undefined reference to `___gstate'
undefined reference to `___gstate'
undefined reference to `WinMain at 16'

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    - Soren Kierkegaard

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