[gambit-list] fast csv parser (libcsv wrapped for gambit)

Lang Martin lang at coptix.com
Fri Feb 9 20:15:50 EST 2007

On Feb 9, 2007, at 7:13 PM, Phil Bewig wrote:

> I'm disappointed that my code is four times worse than C.  Could  
> someone
> more knowledgeable that I look at my code and tell me where the  
> time is
> going?

Well, I'm not that guy. However, the buzz (from the internets, now in  
the back of my mind) seems to be that gambit is always ~4x slower if  
you read strings. gsc can be compiled with character width 1 (as  
someone said in this thread), and I've been stewing on a (with- 
lickity-split-strings ...) macro that replaces all of the string bits  
in code with u8-vectors, which, being single byte, should recover the  

The overhead is related to multi-byte characters being recognized by  
read-char, and the buzz reports that other systems incur similar  
overhead to handle utf-8. There was a comparison to python (and maybe  
perl as well) on a blog somewhere.

I'm a newbie, though, and I didn't try any code related to this  
before writing.

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