[gambit-list] FFI and SCMOBJ to C representation

Christian Jaeger christian at pflanze.mine.nu
Sat Dec 29 11:37:49 EST 2007

Adrien Pierard wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm currently writing an API for a simple 2D graphics library for
> Gambit, based on TinyPTC and SDL.
> However, it seems that I have some issues with conversion of Scheme data
> to C.
> Here is the API idea:
> (PTC-OPEN name width height)     creates a window
> (PTC-CLOSE)                      closes the window
> (PTC-UPDATE buffer)              blits the buffer to the window
> I chose to represent the buffer with a vector. I'd even prefer an
> U32VECTOR for colors are represented by an unsigned integer, however.
> The update function works like this:
> int scm_ptc_update (___SCMOBJ) {
>   int idx;
>   ___SCMOBJ ___temp; // for the type test
>   if ( ___VECTORP(obj) ) {
>     for(idx=0 ; idx < width * height ; idx++ ) {
>       buffer[idx] = ___INT ( ___VECTORREF (obj, idx));

IIRC the ___VECTORREF etc. macros expect the index as scheme object, 
thus: ___VECTORREF(obj,___FIX(idx)).

>     }
>     // Call the underlying update function
>     return (( ptc_update (buffer)) == PTC_SUCCESS ? ___TRU : ___FAL );
>   } else {
>     return ( ___FAL );
>   } };
> If the test program fills the vector with
> (vector-set! buffer (random-integer 255))

(not relevant, but (random-integer 256) should be the correct expression)

> I see large vertical and periodical stripes, and , roughly, grey noise,
> instead of blue noise. Printf-ing the values shows a lot of them greater
> than 255.
> Therefor, I reckon that my conversion is not correct.
> How should I then read a Scheme int32 value to store it in C ?

I think it's only the index problem that's wrong.

But you could make your life simpler like this:

use a u32vector as your buffer, then in the C code instead of copying 
everything just call (or so, from memory, not tested as typed):

ptc_update (___CAST(unsigned int*,___BODY(vec)))

> Subsidiary question: how can I call pp or pretty-print from withing C?
> To do something like ___PRETTYPRINT(obj);

The official way would be to use c-define to create a wrapper around pp 
and then call the generated C procedure from your C code. (I still 
haven't figured out the inofficial way ;).)


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