[gambit-list] How to compile large one-file programs with small RAM size?

Sven.Hartrumpf at FernUni-Hagen.de Sven.Hartrumpf at FernUni-Hagen.de
Tue Aug 28 04:04:59 EDT 2007

Hi all.

Does anybody have any hints how to compile a large one-file
program (10K - 100K lines) on a machine with only 3 GB RAM?

(Splitting the file is no option because it would hurt
performance of the compiled program so much that I would
better stick with other Scheme compilers;
I am extrapolating here from Gambit 3.0 to Gambit 4.0.)

Some details:

- gcc 4.2.1, Linux, 32bit

- gsc command:
  > gsc n.scm
  virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory

  memtime reports:
    412.94 user, 20.03 system, 470.08 elapsed --
    Max VSize = 2331356KB, Max RSS = 2001108KB

- my 'declare':
 ;(inlining-limit 500)
 (not safe)
 (not interrupts-enabled)

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