[gambit-list] Segfault while running Gambit; values/receive efficiency

Marc Feeley feeley at iro.umontreal.ca
Sun Aug 19 11:43:27 EDT 2007

On 18-Aug-07, at 9:13 AM, andrew cooke wrote:

> Hi,
> Well, first of all this segfaults:
>   qp6 napito: ./napito-base.scm
>   Segmentation fault
> which I guess is a bug.

Yes it is.  The problem is that your code has a syntax error, so the  
runtime system tries to raise a syntax error exception.   
Unfortunately there is a bug in this branch when the code was macro  
expanded, or passed to eval.  Anyway, the fix is to replace the line

               (head (##source-code (##car code)))


               (head (##source-code (##sourcify (##car code) src)))

in lib/_eval.scm and then rebuild Gambit with a make.

> But also, I got a bit carried away trying to remove function calls in
> matrix multiplication.  I'd appreciate some advice - if the code  
> worked,
> would it be efficient?  In particular, do the values/receive pairs get
> "compiled away"?

No they don't.  The call (values 1 2 3) actually creates a vector- 
like object, tagged as a multiple-value.  So the code is the same  
efficiency as (vector 1 2 3).  You'll get much better optimization by  
using a CPS-style.  This is easy in your case: just pass in the  
consumer of your values as a parameter, i.e. replace

(define-syntax row1
   (syntax-rules ()
     ((_ a b c d e f) (values a b c))))

(receive (x y z) (row1 1 2 3 4 5 6) (list x y z))


(define-syntax row1
   (syntax-rules ()
     ((_ a b c d e f consumer) (consumer a b c))))

(row1 1 2 3 4 5 6 (lambda (x y z) (list x y z)))

I am considering adding a deforestation optimization to the Gambit  
compiler to eliminate the construction of multiple-values objects  
(and pairs, vectors, etc) when it is easy.  But that's still under  


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