[gambit-list] Queinnec's Lisp in Small Pieces for CAN$3.95+shipping

Harold Ancell hga at ancell-ent.com
Sat Aug 18 10:39:05 EDT 2007

Yow, I somehow I had forgotten about the existence of this book; I can
see why people are salivating over it.  Too bad the posted price was
too good to be true.

At 10:22 PM 8/17/2007, Jeff Read wrote:

>On 8/15/07, Guillaume Germain <guillaume.germain at gmail.com> wrote:
>> R6RS!

Wins the "prize" for me, certainly produced the biggest laugh
this week, a week that needed all the humor it could get.

>Since we're doing jokes, and since RnRS is itself based on a joke (a
>play on the Algol report) -- earlier today I thought of a better name
>which I think the newly inaugurated R5.97RS should be called by when
>it becomes a final standard: GrandScheme.
>"Grand", of course, being French for large, which is the exact
>opposite of the ideal for a Scheme standard. OH! I'll be here all

Not bad, but not as good as "R6RS!".  We *do* need a distinctive
name for that which we sincerely hope someday becomes "The Language
Formerly Known As Scheme", assuming the Steering Committee doesn't
do a major last minute intervention.  I think I'll use GrandScheme
for now, it works just as well for native English speakers.

We also need a name for what we've got, the R5RS based
implementations that will at most have a R6RS compatibility package
(the route Larceny and Gauche will be taking).

I've been using "UncommonScheme" as a working name; I don't dislike
Common Lisp per se, but there's reasons I switched....

>Yes, I want the book pretty damn bad.

So do I....

                                        - Harold 

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