[gambit-list] Big number Bug?

Bradley Lucier lucier at math.purdue.edu
Thu Apr 26 11:47:37 EDT 2007

Here's a fix for the bug.  (Marc, can you change this in _num.scm?)

In the  directory gambc-4.0b22  do a

make bootstrap

and then replace ##exact-int.div in lib/_num.scm with

(define-prim (##exact-int.div x y)
   (cond ((##eq? y 1)
          (##cons x 0))
         ((##eq? y -1)
          (##cons (##negate x) 0))
         ((##eq? x y)              ;; can come up in rational arithmetic
          (##cons 1 0))
         ((and (##fixnum? x)
	      (##fixnum? y))
	 (##cons (##fixnum.quotient x y) ; note: y can't be -1
		 (##fixnum.remainder x y)))
          (let* ((x-negative? (##negative? x))
		(abs-x (if x-negative? (##negate x) x))
		(y-negative? (##negative? y))
		(abs-y (if y-negative? (##negate y) y)))
	   (if (##< abs-x abs-y)
                (##cons 0 x)

	       ;; at least one of x and y is a bignum, so
	       ;; here abs-x must be a bignum

                (let ((result (##bignum.div abs-x abs-y)))

                  (if (##not (##eq? x-negative? y-negative?))
		     (##set-car! result (##negate (##car result))))

                  (if x-negative?
		     (##set-cdr! result (##negate (##cdr result))))


then do a make/make install again.  The program now works.

BTW, "display" in gambit does

 > (display '(1 2 3 4 5))

which I presume is not what you want at the end of your test program,  
so I suggest you replace "display" with "pretty-print" or "write".


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