[gambit-list] Please don't delete the .c file

Bradley Lucier lucier at math.purdue.edu
Wed Apr 4 17:15:46 EDT 2007

On Apr 4, 2007, at 5:03 PM, Marc Feeley wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 4-Apr-07, at 2:56 PM, Bradley Lucier wrote:
>> Marc:
>> I needed to debug a gsc-compiled file with gdb today, and it was  
>> fairly inconvenient that the .c file wasn't left around by compile- 
>> file in beta 21.  I suggest that the .c file be left around for  
>> the various source tools that need it.
> I have added a -keep-c option to gsc.  I.e. you'll have to do:
>    gsc -keep-c foo
> to compile foo.scm to foo.o1 and foo.c .  That's still shorter than  
> what it used to be, i.e.
>    gsc -dynamic foo


     gsc foo

would be shorter still.

Why don't you want to keep the C file around by default?


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