[gambit-list] Gambit-C 4.0 beta 18

Marc Feeley feeley at iro.umontreal.ca
Mon Sep 25 09:33:37 EDT 2006

Hash: SHA1

On 25-Sep-06, at 6:00 AM, Sven.Hartrumpf at FernUni-Hagen.de wrote:

> Hi.
> Some installation problems when going from beta 17 to beta 18:
> 1. INSTALL.txt talks about --char-size=1.
>    But only --enable-char-size=1 works.

Thanks for spotting that error.  The correct way is --enable-char- 
size=N .

> 2. INSTALL.txt gives an example like this:
>   % ./configure --prefix=~/my-gambit
>   % make install
>   % ~/my-gambit/bin/gsi
> But in beta 18, all files are installed one level deeper
> (below ~/my-gambit/4.0b18/ )
> Is this a permanent change?
> And if so - should one change any environment variables
> (in addition to PATH, of course)?

This is a permanent change to the structure of the installation  
directory and is explained in section 1.1 of the Gambit-C manual.   
The goal is to allow several versions of Gambit to be installed.  The  
same approach will be used by the module directories to allow several  
module versions to coexist (and the module directories will be  
subdirectories of the installation directory for the version of  
Gambit they apply to).  Note that in addition to creating the directory


the installation script will also create


as a symbolic link to ~/my-gambit/4.0b18 .

You should add ~/my-gambit/current to your PATH.  This will point to  
the last version of Gambit that was installed, or to whatever version  
~/my-gambit/current points to (you can change it manually if you want  
to revert to an old version).

If you don't like this change, just edit configure.ac and replace




I haven't tested this lately but it has worked in the past... YMMV.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (Darwin)


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