[gambit-list] More benchmarks

Marc Feeley feeley at iro.umontreal.ca
Thu Oct 19 10:53:45 EDT 2006

Hash: SHA1

Hello.  Will Clinger has done some "independent testing" of the  
performance of various Scheme systems using the Gambit benchmark  
suite in the "R6RS" mode (safe code, generic arithmetic, immutable  
bindings).  The results are published on the following page:


What's particularly interesting is that he benchmarked with more  
systems than I have access to (including Larceny, MIT-Scheme and Chez  
Scheme) and on two platforms (Sun Sparc and Intel/Linux).

The "geometric mean" results on the Sparc show that the code  
generated by Gambit is among the fastest of all the Scheme systems  
tested (it is only slightly slower than Chez Scheme and basically the  
same speed as Larceny, which are both native code compilers).  Gambit  
is the fastest of the Scheme to C compilers (about 2 times faster  
than Bigloo and 4 times faster than Chicken).  MzScheme and Scheme48  
are about 10 times slower than Gambit.  On Linux the situation is  
similar, and Gambit clearly dominates the other systems, about 50%  
faster than the next fastest, i.e. Larceny and Bigloo.  Note that  
Chez Scheme was not available on the Linux machine.

So, both on Sparc and Intel, it appears that Gambit is the fastest  
open-source Scheme system.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (Darwin)


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