[gambit-list] Attach Emacs to a web-repl?

Andrew Lentvorski bsder at allcaps.org
Tue Oct 17 20:49:11 EDT 2006

Marc Feeley wrote:
> On 17-Oct-06, at 7:30 PM, Andrew Lentvorski wrote:
>> Is there any way to attach Emacs (or any other editor, for that matter),
>> to a web-repl?  Given that I can telnet directly to port 7000 and
>> execute the repl, there ought to be some way.
>> I took a quick look at cmuscheme.el, comint.el and ftelnet.el, but my
>> Emacs-fu is clearly not good enough.  I don't see anything obvious.
> Depends what you mean by "attach".  One way is: C-U M-x telnet RET 
> localhost RET 7000 RET .  If you want to be able to have several 
> concurrent REPLs in the same Gambit process, then edit the procedure 
> start-repl-server in web-repl.scm like this:

I want to be able to use the gambit-mode in an emacs on machine A 
running against a gambit on machine B.  That's what I mean by "attach".

This relates back to running gambit directly on embedded hardware. 
Since the hardware doesn't really have a stdin/stdout, keyboard, etc., 
I'd like to be able to control things from a separate machine.

I am aware of the security implications.  I'll deal with those later. 
I'm looking for trying to get things working on my local machine in an 
appropriate amount of memory over the network first.


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