[gambit-list] Gambit-C Debian 4.0.b17 Packages Available

Bradley Lucier lucier at math.purdue.edu
Mon Mar 13 21:26:26 EST 2006

On Mar 13, 2006, at 8:14 PM, Kurt B. Kaiser wrote:

> Thomas Hafner <thomas at hafner.NL.EU.ORG> writes:
>> Option --enable-single-host is not set this way.
> Right, I was a little concerned about the build time/space on the  
> buildd.
> I figured that once we get it into Unstable we can change the option
> and see how it goes.

With later versions of gcc, --enable-single-host is not so bad.  (I  
did a *lot* of benchmarking with Gambit-generated C files and the gcc  
developers were responsive.)  And leaving it off absolutely *kills*  
performance for many programs.

If you wanted to reduce the resources needed to compile Gambit, you  
might be better off setting

[lindv2:~/Desktop] lucier% diff -p  /usr/local/Gambit-C/include/ 
gambit.h gambit.h
*** /usr/local/Gambit-C/include/gambit.h        Thu Jan 19 15:17:50 2006
--- gambit.h    Wed Jan 25 13:03:48 2006
*** 1192,1197 ****
--- 1192,1198 ----
    * Determine optimization goal.

+ #define ___OPTIMIZE_SPACE
   #ifdef ___OPTIMIZE_TIME
   #ifdef ___OPTIMIZE_SPACE
   @error "Define either ___OPTIMIZE_TIME or ___OPTIMIZE_SPACE"

and seeing how that goes.


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