[gambit-list] Running the X Example

Marc Feeley feeley at iro.umontreal.ca
Wed Jun 21 09:31:02 EDT 2006

On 19-Jun-06, at 11:47 AM, Sakai, Kazuhiro wrote:

> You're right, I've got gambcext.scm, renamed from syntax-case.scm,  
> placed in the top of the Gambit-C tree.
> I've got the another error message:
> $ ../../gsi/gsi Xlib -e '(load "bounce") (namespace ("" main)) (main)'
> *** ERROR IN (string)@1.17 -- Namespace prefix must be a string

That was a bad suggestion of mine.  If syntax-case is active you no  
longer have access to the Gambit specific special forms (such as  
define-macro, declare, and namespace).  The syntax-case expander  
treats (namespace ("" main)) as a function call, expands it to  
(namespace ('"" main)), note the extra quote, and then when the  
Gambit interpreter (or compiler) tries to process this there is a  
syntax error because of the extra quote.

> However, if I removed (renamed) gambcext.scm, it works.
> Now I'm little confused about the use of the syntax-case.scm. Is  
> there any detail documentation about the use of syntax-case.scm?

Not really, but this paper explains the use of syntax-case: http:// 
www.cs.indiana.edu/~dyb/pubs/tr356.pdf .

> By the way, this demo is very nice!

I like it too.  If you can improve it or create some other demos  
please send them to me so I can add them to the Gambit distribution.


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