[gambit-list] Compiling 4.0b17 on OS X 10.3

Scott Weeks sweeks at twelvestone.com
Wed Feb 15 18:11:07 EST 2006

Hello all,

Each time I try to compile gambit I get the following error:

/bin/sh: line 1: ../gsc/gsc: No such file or directory
make: *** [_kernel.c] Error 127

Or a variation thereof. I've tried ./configure with the following 

--enable-single-host --enable-cplusplus  --enable-shared --enable-debug

in various combinations (as well as without any options). It looks like 
there's supposed to be an executable compiled in the gsc directory and 
it's not happening.

Does anyone have any pointers? I've done a bit of searching but my 
google-foo must be a bit weak.

I'm running OS X 10.3.9 with gcc 3.3


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