[gambit-list] cj-posix (Re: Can Gambit programs be safely fork()'ed?)

Christian christian at pflanze.mine.nu
Tue Aug 1 23:13:33 EDT 2006

FWIW, I've now extended/written (well, it previously only had getpid) 
a POSIX interface. It only contains a handful of functions currently, 
but it's a start, and I think I've got the basics, especially the 
error handling, done quite well.

I've put it up at http://scheme.mine.nu/gambit/scratch/cj-posix/ . As 
always, it's written for my chjmodule system, but it shouldn't be 
difficult to get to work independantly.

Some usage examples:

>  (bruse cj-posix)
>  (_close 132)
#<posix-exception #2 errno: 9>
>  (posix-exception? #2)
>  (posix-exception-message #2)
"Bad file descriptor"
>  (posix-exception-errno #2)
>  (close 132)
*** ERROR IN (stdin)@4.1 -- close (fd): (132) "Bad file descriptor"

For all POSIX functions which can return errors, I'm exporting two 
functions, following this principle: the function with an underscore 
prepended does not throw exceptions; in case of an error, it returns 
a posix-exception structure. This is efficient, and Schemier (and 
safer against usage errors) than handling untyped integer values, and 
it solves the problem that the separate errno variable cannot be 
safely read from scheme (as the runtime may wipe it out before the 
user gets a chance to see the value). The function without the 
underscore throws a (currently untyped) exception on errors.

Some more examples:

>  (pipe)
#s32(3 4)
>  (define in (fd->port 3 'RDONLY))
>  (define out (fd->port 4 'WRONLY))
>  out
#<output-port #3 (fd-4)>
>  (display "Hallo\n" out)
>  (force-output out)
>  (read in)

>  (define ex (let ((pid (fork))) (println "pid: " pid) (if (> pid 0) 
>(let ((s (s32vector 1))) (waitpid pid s 0) s) "in child")))
pid: 0
>  pid: 27649
"in child"
>  (_exit 12)
>  ex
>  (WTERMSIG ex)
*** ERROR IN (console)@7.1 -- status value is not suited for this 
operation: #s32(3072) WTERMSIG

At 9:28 Uhr +0800 31.07.2006, TJay wrote:
>I see. I've not thought of how threads would be affected, and I'd hate
>to think of the kinds of strange, hidden bugs I'd get from unflushed
>buffered ports. I'll have to be super careful if I do any forking.

I think (with some awareness of the issues) it may not be that difficult.

Me too, I'll need multiprocessig soon, for web services. I may try 
both approaches (or maybe first forking). At least I (or we) now have 
the choice.


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