[gambit-list] Changing the name of the compiler

Pupeno pupeno at pupeno.com
Thu Oct 6 00:08:35 EDT 2005

Hello Gambiters,
This may be a strange thing to ask, but could you change the name of the 
compiler, that is, the binary (I would put this a bug tracker, but there's 
none for Gambit, am I wrong ?).
The problem is that there's another widely used program with a binary with the 
same name:
$ gsc
ESP Ghostscript 7.07 (2003-07-12)
In my distro, Gambit's gsc is renamed to gsc-gambit.
This makes writting automated building software very hard. I have to check if 
gsc exists, then check if it is Gambit or not, if it is not, check if 
gsc-gambit exist, and so on.
Do you think it'll be possible to change the name of the compiler with 
something that won't conflict with something as common as Ghostscript ?
Thank you.
Pupeno <pupeno at pupeno.com> (http://pupeno.com)
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