[gambit-list] open-process in MinGW (beta14)

Francois Magnan magnan at licef.teluq.uquebec.ca
Thu Jul 21 17:09:35 EDT 2005


Was anybody able to use the (open-process) command in Gambit4beta14 on 
the MinGW platform?

Here is an example:


(define p (open-process (list
                              path: "C:/msys/1.0/bin/ls.exe"
                              arguments: (list "/")
                              stderr-redirection: #t
                              pseudo-terminal: #t

*** ERROR IN (stdin)@1.11 -- Can't convert result from C nonnull-pointer
  '(path: "C:/msys/1.0/bin/ls.exe" arguments: ("/") stderr-redirection: 
#t p...)


It works well on MacOSX. I need a multiplatform way of calling a 
process with IO ports access.
open-process should be the way but it seems to be broken in that 

Thank you,
Francois Magnan
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