
Thomas Hafner hafner at sdf-eu.org
Thu Jan 27 06:03:39 EST 2005

Marc Feeley <feeley at IRO.UMontreal.CA> wrote/schrieb <200501270203.j0R23Xsd015151 at baro.iro.umontreal.ca>:

> When there are only Scheme to C calls the issue does not arise.


BTW, I've changed the subject line in my last message to 
Subject: more than one thread, no return to C (was: SQLite 2.4.7)
but the mailing list software just made it to
Subject: [gambit-list]

How about a header
List-Id: gambit-list
instead of changing the subject line originated by the list member?
(Even MS Outlook can be told to filter on additional mail headers.)


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