[gambit-list] macro-expansion bug (?)

Marc Feeley feeley at IRO.UMontreal.CA
Tue Feb 22 10:34:59 EST 2005

> Hi,
> The following works in chicken and bigloo, but fails on gambit  4.0b12:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> (define-macro (build-funcs)
>   (define any '(list? number? string?))
>   (define funcnames
>     `((is-string string?)
>       (is-number number?)
>       (is-list list?)
>       (is-any ,any)))
>   (define (build desc)
>     (let ((name (car desc))
>           (tests (if (list? (cadr desc))
>                      (cadr desc)
>                      (cdr desc))))
>       `(define ,name
>          (lambda (o)
>            (or ,@(map (lambda (x)
>                         (list x 'o))
>                       tests))))))
>   `(begin ,@(map build funcnames)))
> (pp (lambda () (build-funcs) #t))
> (build-funcs)
> (is-any "dd")
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> It seems that the reference to the `any' variable is unbound inside
> `funcnames'.  If you move the definition of `any' outside of the body
> of `build-funcs', everything works fine.
> Not sure if this is a bug, or a misunderstanding on my part.

Your code is not legal R5RS Scheme.  In R5RS Scheme you can't use in
the evaluation of the value part of a "define" a variable "define"d at
the same level.  I.e. this is illegal:

(define (f x)

  (define n 10)
  (define m (+ n 1))


You should use let* instead like this:

(define-macro (build-funcs)
  (let* ((any
          '(list? number? string?))
          `((is-string string?)
            (is-number number?)
            (is-list list?)
            (is-any ,any))))

    (define (build desc)
      (let ((name (car desc))
            (tests (if (list? (cadr desc))
                       (cadr desc)
                       (cdr desc))))
        `(define ,name
           (lambda (o)
             (or ,@(map (lambda (x)
                          (list x 'o))

    `(begin ,@(map build funcnames))))

Note that your original code will work in Gambit 3.0, but in version
4.0 the implementation was changed to detect these violations of the
R5RS Scheme standard.


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