[gambit-list] Re: running remote jobs with `time'

Bill Richter richter at math.northwestern.edu
Mon Feb 21 22:04:25 EST 2005

   The correct option is

       gsi -:d-

Thanks, Marc, and I see it's in the Gambit manual, clearly enough:

   The `d' option sets various debugging options.  The letter `d' is
   followed by a sequence of letters indicating suboptions. [...]

     The REPL interaction channel will be the IDE REPL window (if the
     IDE is available).[...]

     The REPL interaction channel will be standard input and standard

   The default debugging options are equivalent to `-:dpqi1'

But as I usual I'll carp that something this important should be
explained at top level.  Or is it not important?  Don't folks `time'
their long bg jobs?

Anyway, I can't get it to work for gsc/gcc.   This works fine:

% m six.scm 
(time (pretty-print 6))

% export GAMBCOPT=d-

% gsi six.scm > 13-73put 

% more 13-73put 
(time (pretty-print 6))
    0 ms real time
    0 ms cpu time (0 user, 0 system)
    no collections
    104 bytes allocated
    no minor faults
    5 major faults

But I lose the `time' info with gsc/gcc:

% gsc six
% gcc -O2 -L. -I. six.c six_.c -lgambc
% ./a.out > 13-73put 
% more 13-73put 

Now Brad, I think this is wrong:

   I think the manual may be in error; I think the time info goes to
   stderr, not stdout.  If you're using csh or tcsh, you can try

   gsi -:- 6.scm >& six

   I don't know how to do it with bash or /bin/sh.

Yeah, >& redirects both stderr & stdout in bash, and I tried that.
But the local hotshot here said it was a stdin problem.  Note how he
realized it was a runtime problem, which I hadn't mentioned:

   FYI, the "Stopped" message in the line

	   [1]+  Stopped                 nice ./73a.out 1>&13-73put

   means the process is trying to read, or otherwise access, stdin
   while detached.  In a high-level language like Scheme, this can be
   reflect internal workings of the runtime support, rather than
   explicit instructions of your program.

Thanks, Rico!

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